Eleonora Milazzo

I am a Research Fellow at the Migration Policy Centre of the European University Institute, where I work on research-to-policy engagement. I am also Senior Adviser at the European Policy Centre and Associate Fellow at the Egmont Institute in Brussels.
My background is in think-tanking, policy analysis, and academic research. Thematically, I focus on EU migration and asylum policies, social inclusion, and the policy nexus between climate change, migration, and human security.
In 2023 I published the book Refugee Protection and Solidarity. The Duties of EU Member States (Oxford University Press).
Eleonora Milazzo is Research Fellow at the Migration Policy Centre at the European University Institute, where she works on research-to-policy engagement. She is also Senior Adviser at the European Policy Centre and Associate Fellow at the Egmont Institute in Brussels.
Eleonora is the author of the book Refugee Protection and Solidarity. The Duties of EU Member States (Oxford University Press, 2023).
Thematically, her work focuses on EU migration and asylum policies, social inclusion, development cooperation, and the policy nexus between migration, climate change, and human security.
Eleonora has a background in think-tanking, policy analysis, and academic research.
Before joining the MPC, Eleonora worked as Joint Research Fellow at the European Policy Centre and the Egmont Institute in Brussels. Previously, she gained professional experience at the Refugee Studies Centre in Oxford and Carnegie Europe in Brussels. Before turning to migration and asylum in the EU, she worked on climate change governance and EU-Russia relations at the Ecologic Institute in Berlin and the Russian International Affairs Council in Moscow.
In addition to her think-tanking experience, Eleonora conducts policy analysis as a free-lance consultant for UN agencies, international organisations, NGOs, national authorities, and international research consortia on issues related to migration policies, development, and social inclusion.
Regarding her academic background, Eleonora holds a PhD in Political Science from the European University Institute (2021) and was a Postdoctoral Researcher at King’s College London. She is a political theorist by training and carried out research on the ethics of migration and refugee protection in the EU.
Migration Policy Centre, Robert Schuman Centre
European University Institute
Convento di San Domenico, Via delle Fontanelle 19, 50014 San Domenico di Fiesole (FI), Italy